Step to create Webmail Email Account in cPanel Step 1: Click Accounts under the Email section. Step 2: Do the following steps in a page. 1. Add your...
How to Configure MailScanner in cPanel Step 1: Login to cPanel account Step 2: In the “Mail” section, click on the MailScanner link/icon Step 3: On...
Mailscanner Overview With the MailScanner service you can control what happens to spam and viruses by changing the configuration in your cPanel...
How to Create an Encrypted Email Using cPanel Step 1: Login to your cPanel. Step 2: Click Encryption under Email section. Step 3: Follow these steps in this...
How to increase Mail box limit When you try to log into your webmail it gives an error “Mailbox Quota Exceeded”. Kindly follow the steps below...
Steps to delete email forwarder in cPanel Step 1: Login to your cPanel account. Step 2: Select Forwarders option under Email. Step 3: Locate the forwarder that...
How to set up webmail app on Android ? Step 1: Install cPanel from Play Store. If you already have it, proceed to step 2. Step 2: Tap cPanel...
How to archive emails? Step 1: Log in to the cPanel. Step 2: Click on Archive under Emails panel. Step 3: Specify the length...
How to Download an Archive? Step 1: Log in to the cPanel. Step 2: Click on Archive under Emails panel. Step 3: Click the Download...
How to Import Email Forwarders using a CSV or Excel File Step 1: Login to your cPanel account Step 2: Click the Import Address / Forwarderes link under the ‘Email’ section....
How to setup calendars and contacts in cPanel Step 1: Login to your cPanel Step 2: Choose the ‘Calendars and Contacts’ feature from the Email section Step 3:...
How to Import your existing Email Forwarders using a CSV or Excel File via cPanel interface Step 1: Login to your Oryon’s cPanel account Step 2: Click the Import Address / Forwarders link under the ‘Email’...
How to setup add a new email forwarder via cPanel interface Kindly refer the below steps to setup an email forwarder via cPanel interface. Step 1: Login to your cPanel account....
How to add a new Auto responder for your email account via cPanel interface Step 1: Log into cPanel. Step 2: In the Mail section, click on the Auto Responders icon. Step 3: Click...
Steps to reset the email account password via cPanel account? ( Later 78.0.20 version) Step 1: Login to your cPanel account. Step 2: Go to Email accounts under Email section. Step 3: Click Create...
How to Import Email Accounts using a CSV or Excel File Step 1: Login to your cPanel account Step 2: Click the Import Address / Forwarderes link under the ‘Email’ section....
How to reset an email account password via webmail interface? Step1: Login to your email account via webmail. Step2: In the webmail home page, click on the dropdown under your...
How to configure an email forwarder via Plesk control panel? Step 1: Login to your Oryon Plesk control panel. Step 2: Click the Mail tab at the top of the...
How to disable an email forwarder via Plesk control panel? Step 1: Login to your Oryon Plesk control panel. Step 2: Click the Mail tab at the top of the...
How to configure an e-mail alias via Plesk control panel? Step 1: Login to your Oryon Plesk control panel. Step 2: Click the Mail tab at the top of the...
How to remove administrative rights from a user? Step1: Under List Administrators, select the email addresses of the users from whom to remove administrative rights. Step2: Click the...