How do I enable SMTP Authentication Outlook 2013 Step 1: Go to the ‘File’ tab. Step 2: Click on ‘Account Settings’ . Step 3: Select email account you...
How to configure email account in Outlook 2013 via IMAP Step 1: Open Outlook and select File. Step 2: Check Manual setup or additional server types and click Next. Step...
How to configure email account in Outlook 2013 via POP3 Step 1: Open Outlook and select File. Step 2: Check Manual setup or additional server types and click Next. Step...
Steps to import calendar in Outlook 2013 Step 1: Open Outlook in your computer. Step 2: Go to File and select and click Import option. Step 3:...
How to Update Your Email Signature in Outlook 2013 Step 1: Open your Outlook Email Client. Step 2: In Outlook 2013 Inbox window, click “New E-mail” icon under “Home”...
Steps to repair a PST file in Outlook 2013 Step 1: Exit Outlook and do one of the following: +++ Browse to C:\Program Files. OR Browse to C:\Program Files...
How to create an email signature in Outlook 2003 Step 1: Launch your Microsoft Outlook 2003 application. Step 2: From the main window, click on the Tools menu, then...
To change the default displaying language in Outlook Step 1: Click the File > Options. Step 2: In the Outlook Options dialog box, click the Language in the...
How to create a new Distribution List in Outlook 2013 Step 1: Open the Outlook email client and choose the ‘Address book’ under the find section of the top right...
Recall an Email Message – Office 365 With message recall, a message that you sent is retrieved from the mailboxes of the recipients who haven’t yet opened...
How to manually configure Microsoft Exchange in Outlook email client? Step 1: Click Start and select Control Panel. Step 2: Search for Mail and click Mail (Microsoft Outlook 2016) (32-bit)....