Step 1: Open the phpMyAdmin tool, click on the Databases tab and click on the name of the desired database.
Step 2: On the new page that opens you will see a list of all the current tables inside the database and a section named Create table.
Step 3: In that section, in the Name field you should input the desired new name of the table
Step 4: Select the number of columns that the table should have via the Number of columns drop-down.
Step 5: Click the Go button to create the table.
Step 6: On the next page you can configure the structure of the columns in the new table. The different fields there are:
Name – The name of the column;
Type – The type of the data, which will be stored in the corresponding column. More details about the possible choices can be found in the official MySQL Data Types documentation;
Length/Values – The length of the field;
Default – With this option you can specify if the fields in the column would have a default value. This is useful for example if you want to have timestamps for the entries in each row;
Collation – The data collation for each of the fields;
Attributes – assign any special attributes to the fields;
Null – Define whether the field value can be NULL. More about the NULL value can be found in the MySQL documentation;
Index – Set the Index of the row. More information about the MySQL column indexes can be found in the MySQL documentation;
A_I – Short for Auto Increment. If this option is enabled then the values in the fields of the column will be auto incremented;
Comments – Here you can add comments, which will be included in the database SQL code.
Step 7: After you configured the different columns, you should specify the Collation and Engine of the new table via their respective drop-downs.
Step 8: Click the Save button to create the new table.