Step 1: Log into cPanel
Step 2: Click on ‘Softaculous Apps Installer’ under software section of cPanel
Step 3: Navigate to the ‘Portal/CMS’ menu and select CMS Made Simple
Step 4: Now choose the directory where you want to install the CMS made simple and click on ‘Install now’
Step 5: Fill up the below necessary details on the appropriate fields.
Choose Protocol – Select the correct protocol and whether to use ‘www’ before the domain name. If you use an SSL certificate with your site, choose https.
Choose Domain – Enter your site’s domain name.
In Directory – Enter the directory where you wish to install the CMS
Site Name – Enter the name that will be displayed on your CMSMS home page.
Admin Username – Enter the username for CMSMS admin dashboard.
Admin Password – Enter a strong password for the admin username.
Admin Email – Enter the admin user’s email address.
Select Language – Select language for your site and CMSMS dashboard
Step 6: Click on ‘Install’ to complete the installation process