Saturday, July 27, 2024 Offers Singapore SMEs Low-Cost Domain Names to Boost Online Presence Offers Singapore SMEs Low-Cost Domain Names to Boost Online Presence, a top-notch domain name registrar and Singapore web hosting provider, is showing its dedication to helping local small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) improve their online presence. They’re doing this by offering affordable .SG and .COM.SG domain names, starting at just SGD $35 per year. Plus, for March 2023, they’ve slashed the price even further to SGD $15 for the first year. The company’s goal is to help Singapore businesses become more competitive by giving them the tools they need to create a strong online presence.

As the digital world keeps changing, it’s super important for businesses to use the internet to connect with customers and grow. Having a website with a unique domain name is the first step in creating an online presence, making it easy for potential customers to find a business and learn about its offerings. Owning a domain name is also crucial for building a business’s online brand, which helps with repeat business, building credibility, and improving local search engine rankings.

Sadly, many small businesses in Singapore might not have the money to invest in a domain name, which can be expensive. Domain names usually cost between SGD 45 and SGD 55 each, which can be too much for small businesses on tight budgets.

To address this problem, is offering low-cost .SG and .COM.SG domain name registrations to help SMEs get their online presence up and running. With a focus on affordable pricing,’s low-cost options give local businesses a great chance to create their online brand, boost credibility, and target Singapore-based customers.

Besides offering budget-friendly domain name registration, also includes free DNS hosting and management services, as well as WHOIS privacy protection services. DNS hosting and management services let businesses fully control their website’s DNS records, making sure they’re always current and pointing to the right IP address. WHOIS privacy protection services help keep a business’s private information, like email addresses and phone numbers, from being shown publicly in the WHOIS database.

“We know that small businesses face challenges when trying to create their online presence. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping them by offering affordable domain name registration and extra services to support their online journey,” said Ryan Chua, a representative for “Our mission is to help businesses grow using the power of the internet, and we believe that every business, no matter its size or budget, should have the chance to create its online presence.”

In short,’s commitment to providing low-cost .SG and .COM.SG domain names, along with free DNS hosting and management services and WHOIS privacy protection, shows the company’s devotion to helping Singapore SMEs improve their online presence. By making domain names more accessible, is making it simpler for small businesses to create an online presence and compete in today’s digital world.


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