Step 1: Using your web browser, navigate to and download the appropriate “tar.gz” or “zip” file link beside the version of Drupal you want to download.
This will allow you to save the file to your computer. The file is a compressed archive, which contains many files and folders. Make note of the name of the file and where you save it on your computer.
Step 2: Log in to your cPanel and upload your compressed .tar.gz or .zip file under the specific domain. Uncompressed or Unarchive the file on the server.
Step 3: Copy the file ‘default.settings.php’, rename it to settings.php, and then temporarily change the permissions to ‘666’ so that the server can Read and Write to this file when a user makes changes via a web browser.
Note: The installation script that runs when you first visit your site should change the permissions of the ‘settings.php’ file back to read-only when you are finished the initial configuration of your site; however, it is recommended that you check that the permissions for settings.php have been set back to Read Only once you are finished.
Step 4: You then need to move up one level to the /sites directory and change the permission on the /sites/default directory (folder), as this is the place where files created or uploaded via the web interface will be stored.
Step 5: Create the Drupal database: Create a new Database using phpMyAdmin and Grant all previliges the database user.
Step 6: Using your web browser, navigate to the base URL of your new website, e.g. When you go to your new website, you should see the Drupal installation page. The installation wizard will guide you through the process of setting up your Drupal website.
Step 7: On the Select an installation profile page, select Standard. Click Save and continue.
Step 8: On the Choose language page, select English. Click Save and continue.
Step 9: On the Database configuration page, select the type of database that you are using. Type the database name, database username and database password (the same ones you used to set up your database).
Step 10: Click Save and continue. The Installing Drupal page is displayed.
On the Configure site page, do the following:
Step 11: In the Site name field, type the name you want to give your site. In the Site email address field, type the email address that automated messages from your Drupal site will be sent from.
Step 12: In the site maintenance account section, type a username, email address and password to use for the maintenance account.
Step 13: In the server settings section, select a country from the list and then select a time zone.
Step 14: If desired, select Check for updates automatically and Receive email notifications (recommended to keep your site’s security up to date).
Step 15: Click Save and continue.
Step 16:On the Drupal installation complete page, click the Visit your new site link.
Step 17: You should see a newly installed Drupal homepage, as shown in the screenshot above. The administrator account is automatically logged in, and if you chose the “Standard” install, the black administration toolbar will be displayed across the top of the page.
Step 18: Installation completed