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How to root hints using the DNS Manager console

Step 1: Go to the Windows desktop.

Step 2: Open the Start menu.

Step 3: From the Start menu, select “Windows Administrative Tools,” and then choose “DNS.”

Step 4: Select your server by clicking and holding (or right-clicking), and then choose “Properties.”

Step 5: In the “DNS Server Properties” window, go to the “Root Hints” tab and select it.

Step 6: Choose the specific root hint entry you want to edit, and then click “Edit.”

Step 7: Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the root hint server. Afterward, click “Resolve” to verify the IP address. If necessary, make edits to the IP address.

Step 8: Once the IP address is verified, and any necessary edits are made, click “OK” to save your changes.

Step 9: Review the updated root hint server in the list. Note that the name server will have a trailing dot (.) in DNS notation.

Step 10: When you are satisfied with the changes, select “OK” to finalize the configuration.

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