Kindly follow the below listed suggestion to optmize your drupal websie in order to make it load faster.
Step 1: Enable caching: Follow the below steps to enable caching via drupal admin dashboard.
1.) Log in as administrator and go to Site Configuration > Performance
2.) Under Caching mode: select Normal (recommended for production sites, no side effects).
3.) Under Block cache settings, select Enabled (recommended).
Once you are done, click ‘Save configuration’ to save the changes.
Step 2: Optimize your Drupal databases. Kindly refer the below KB URL to accomplish it via cPanel >> Databases >> phpMyadmin.
Step 3: Enable page compression and Optimization via admin dashboard.
1.) Log in to your Drupal admin area and go to Site Configuration > Performance.
2.) After enabling cache, you would also need to enable Page compression, Optimize CSS files and Optimize JavaScript files.
Step 4: Check your website using this online tool ‘’. It will give you necessary information about the modifications that can be made in order to improve its performance.
Step 5: Disable/remove all modules/blocks you are not using.