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  3. How to install a Specific PHP Version on a Server

How to install a Specific PHP Version on a Server

Step 1: Install the desired PHP version on your server by referring to the official PHP documentation at http://php.net/manual/en/install.php.

Step 2: Note: The following steps are for demonstration purposes, and actual installation may vary based on your operating system and configuration.

Step 3: Log in to your server as the root user.

Step 4: Obtain the PHP source from the official website (http://php.net/downloads.php) and unpack it using the commands:


Copy code

gunzip php-NN.tar.gz

tar -xf php-NN.tar


Step 5: Configure and build PHP. Customize options, including enabling specific extensions, by running ./configure –help for a list of available choices:


cd ../php-NN

./configure –prefix /usr/local/phpNN


make install


Step 6: Set up your php.ini file:


cp php.ini-development /usr/local/lib/php.ini


Step 7: Optionally, edit your .ini file to configure PHP options. If you prefer a different location for php.ini, use the –with-config-file-path=/some/path option when running the configure utility in step 5.

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