Step 1: In eM Client application, select File > Export > Export Contacts to .vcf files.
Step 2: After exporting all the contacts into .vcf files you have to run Thunderbird application.
Step 3: In Thunderbird, select the “Address Book” from the top.
Step 4: Now, from the “Tools” choose “Import” option.
Step 5: Select the “Addressbooks” option to import and click on “Next” button.
Step 6: Here, choose vCard file (.vcf) type of file to import and again click “Next”.
Step 7: Now, browse the .vcf file and click the “Open” button to import the file.
Step 8: Click on “Finish” button to complete the import process.
Step 9: Thunderbird creates an “Addressbook” with the same name as that of the .vcf file you are importing. Now, choose the “addreesbook“ to view the imported contacts in Thunderbird.
How to Import eM Client Contacts to Thunderbird Address Book
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