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How to disable NetBIOS on the DHCP server

Step 1: Click on the “Start” button, then go to “Programs,” and navigate to “Administrative Tools.” From there, select “DHCP.”

Step 2: In the navigation pane, expand the server_name (replace server_name with the actual name of your DHCP server). After that, expand “Scope,” right-click on “Scope Options,” and choose “Configure Options.”

Step 3: On the Advanced tab, locate “Microsoft Windows 2000 Options” in the Vendor class list.

Step 4: Ensure that “Default User Class” is selected in the User class list.

Step 5: Find the “001 Microsoft Disable Netbios Option” in the Available Options column and check the corresponding checkbox.

Step 6: In the Data entry area, type “0x2” into the Long box.

Step 7: Finally, select “OK” to save your changes.

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