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  3. How to Configure Passive FTP on a Plesk Server

How to Configure Passive FTP on a Plesk Server

Step1: Open a terminal and log in to your server via SSH as the root user:

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ssh root@your_server_ip

Replace “your_server_ip” with your server’s actual IP address.

Step 2: Create and edit the “/etc/proftpd.d/55-passive-ports.conf” file using a text editor:

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nano /etc/proftpd.d/55-passive-ports.conf

Add the following lines to the file:


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PassivePorts 49152 65535

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

Step 3: Restart the xinetd service after modifying the configuration:

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systemctl restart xinetd

Step 4: Your Plesk server is now configured to accept passive FTP connections.

Step 5: If Plesk Firewall is installed and its default configuration is active, add a firewall rule for passive FTP:

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plesk bin firewall –add-rule -direction in -action allow -ports 49152-65535 -sources any

This command allows incoming traffic on TCP ports 49152-65535 from any source.

Step 6: Ensure you have the necessary permissions before making changes.

Step 7: Before making any changes, create backups of relevant configurations to avoid data loss or system misconfigurations.

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