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  3. How to Access Awstats without logging into cPanel

How to Access Awstats without logging into cPanel

Step 1: Download Awstats pckage from http://awstats.sourceforge.net

Step 2: Create a directory ‘awstat’ under the public_html and upload the file.

Step 3: Extract the file.

Step 4: Go to awstats-7.8/wwwroot and copy the directory cgi-bin and icon

Step 5: Move the directories under the /public_html/awstat/

Step 6: Go to /cgi-bin directory under the folder and change the permission to 755 for the files awredir.pl and awstats.pl.

Step 7: Go to /home/account/tmp/awstats/ssl/awstats.yourdomain.com.conf.

Step 8: Open the file and search “DirIcons” line, change it to DirIcons=”/awstat/icon/”

Step 9: Upload the modified to /cgi-bin directory

Step 10: Now you may access https://domainname/awstat/cgi-bin/awstats.pl?config=domainname to view the Awstats status

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